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Embodiment of Asphyxia (2021)

Embodiment of Asphyxia is the debut album symbolically released on November 17th 2021. A video for the song Trihina was released 17 days prior. This album completes the first chapter of Slom Svesti, which also includes the EP Krivine uma. The production was done by the studi Heretik Media from Niš, and the album cover is the work of Petar Marković "Pura". The song Ex Limbo includes a sample named "monolith" made by the user _NOMINAL_ from and you can find it by clicking here.



First chapter: Memorabilia

1. Trihina (Trichinella)

2. Iskrivljene slike prošlosti (Distorted pictures of the past)

3. Grč 4.0 (Cramp 4.0)

Second chapter: Superposition

4. Finalna epifanija (Final epiphany)

5. Ex limbo 

6. Bez pulsa (Without a pulse)

Third chapter: Defeat

7. Opet miriše na proleće... (It smells like spring again...)

8. Tinitus (Tinnitus)

9. Slepa ulica (Dead end street)

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